Oldham Design Studio 254-772-1438
© Oldham Signs 2021

Hand Lettering Sign Designs the

Traditional Way

A true hand lettering sign designer gets us to see the space between the letters - and the letters themselves - as art. They use type face, color, and style to tell the sign’s story, evoke emotions, and bring meaning.   Hand lettered signs are seen as a vintage or retro art form - especially in the modern age of computers, the internet, and digital technology. It’s true that just about anybody can create a typeface, design a logo, and conceptualize a company or business in a sign these days, but can they do it well? And can they do it with quality, assurance, and attention to detail while making sure you’re getting more bang for your buck with your sign design?   At Oldham Signs, we might be biased but our answer is no. Nothing can beat the quality you get from the craftmanship that goes into hand lettering sign designs. In order to create the highest quality hand lettering, you need to be devoted to the art form- and we are.   Craftmanship in hand lettering: a brief history   For over 30 years (and before John Oldham created his first sign), hand lettering was a true passion and hobby that lead to a career in sign design and a desire to keep the skill alive.   Hand lettering is the bread and butter of our business at Oldham Signs. This traditional sign design method is an art form that has its origins from the times when monks first put ink to paper. They were the first to use color, embossing/debossing, and materials like gold leaf to make their lettering bold, shouting from the pages of their handcrafted books. The pages of these books still pop with color and precision today.   Fast forward some years and in the early 1980’s we see the start of the letterhead movement. A group of sign-writers from Denver came together to create a forum for collaboration, skill sharing, knowledge, and experience in signwriting and design. Up until the dawn of digitalization, the skill of graphic design was passed down from master to apprentice and learnt over years of teaching and experience. From about the 60’s onwards, this artistry and skill started to be overtaken by more industrial and digital sign design ideas.   The letterhead movement was founded on account of all the traditional design schools and apprenticeships slowly vintage or retro out; there was a need to somehow keep this exceptional skill alive and, thankfully, it still is. Why, we have even held a meeting or two ourselves right here at the home of Oldham Signs! It’s a small community of gifted artists and skilled craftsman, but one worth keeping alive.     Excellence in hand lettering in Oldham Signs’ designs   The creations of hand lettered designs from the past have held up over time. Even when they’ve become ‘ghost signs’, their quality still has the ability to impact people even though many, many years have passed since their creation.   The application and excellence of the skill that is hand lettering has been passionately and diligently crafted over many years at Oldham Signs. We like to think we put the same care, attention to the detail, and precision into our hand lettering and sign designs as the virtuoso artisans and masters of the past. We believe this ensures your sign holds up over time and you get more bang for your buck!   We only use the highest quality mediums and materials, taking great pride and enjoyment in designing your lettering. From pinstriping, scrolling, and filling the space in between to adding the luxury of gold leaf, there’s quality and skill in every stage of our sign designs made by our hands.   Give us a call or come on by and visit; we’re looking forward to producing some high-quality hand lettering and sign designs for you!
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Hand Lettering Sign Designs

the Traditional Way

A true hand lettering sign designer gets us to see the space between the letters - and the letters themselves - as art. They use type face, color, and style to tell the sign’s story, evoke emotions, and bring meaning.   Hand lettered signs are seen as a vintage or retro art form - especially in the modern age of computers, the internet, and digital technology. It’s true that just about anybody can create a typeface, design a logo, and conceptualize a company or business in a sign these days, but can they do it well? And can they do it with quality, assurance, and attention to detail while making sure you’re getting more bang for your buck with your sign design?   At Oldham Signs, we might be biased but our answer is no. Nothing can beat the quality you get from the craftmanship that goes into hand lettering sign designs. In order to create the highest quality hand lettering, you need to be devoted to the art form- and we are.   Craftmanship in hand lettering: a brief history   For over 30 years (and before John Oldham created his first sign), hand lettering was a true passion and hobby that lead to a career in sign design and a desire to keep the skill alive.   Hand lettering is the bread and butter of our business at Oldham Signs. This traditional sign design method is an art form that has its origins from the times when monks first put ink to paper. They were the first to use color, embossing/debossing, and materials like gold leaf to make their lettering bold, shouting from the pages of their handcrafted books. The pages of these books still pop with color and precision today.   Fast forward some years and in the early 1980’s we see the start of the letterhead movement. A group of sign-writers from Denver came together to create a forum for collaboration, skill sharing, knowledge, and experience in signwriting and design. Up until the dawn of digitalization, the skill of graphic design was passed down from master to apprentice and learnt over years of teaching and experience. From about the 60’s onwards, this artistry and skill started to be overtaken by more industrial and digital sign design ideas.   The letterhead movement was founded on account of all the traditional design schools and apprenticeships slowly vintage or retro out; there was a need to somehow keep this exceptional skill alive and, thankfully, it still is. Why, we have even held a meeting or two ourselves right here at the home of Oldham Signs! It’s a small community of gifted artists and skilled craftsman, but one worth keeping alive.     Excellence in hand lettering in Oldham Signs’ designs   The creations of hand lettered designs from the past have held up over time. Even when they’ve become ‘ghost signs’, their quality still has the ability to impact people even though many, many years have passed since their creation.   The application and excellence of the skill that is hand lettering has been passionately and diligently crafted over many years at Oldham Signs. We like to think we put the same care, attention to the detail, and precision into our hand lettering and sign designs as the virtuoso artisans and masters of the past. We believe this ensures your sign holds up over time and you get more bang for your buck!   We only use the highest quality mediums and materials, taking great pride and enjoyment in designing your lettering. From pinstriping, scrolling, and filling the space in between to adding the luxury of gold leaf, there’s quality and skill in every stage of our sign designs made by our hands.   Give us a call or come on by and visit; we’re looking forward to producing some high-quality hand lettering and sign designs for you!

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