Oldham Design Studio 254-772-1438
© Oldham Signs 2021

Gold Leaf

Oldham Signs is giving your designs an opulent touch with gold leaf At Oldham Signs we use the ancient art of gold leaf gilding to bring your hand lettering and sign designs to life. We take enormous pride in our ability and skills, from creating large format gold gilded sign designs and lettering, to our usual talents in hand lettering with gold leaf and creating finer details and adornments to the typeface and spaces in-between.   Gold leaf sign designs provide a radiance to the finished product and durability that’s hard to achieve with any other finish. We aren’t going to lie or cheat you here. That’s why Oldham Signs never holds back on quality or substance; we want you to get the best experience we can offer with our gold leaf sign designs.   If it’s gold leaf and gilding sign design you require, we provide the highest quality hand-crafted gold leaf and gilding services we believe Texas may offer, using the hard-earned skills and practices learned from our years of experience. We can add this opulent material to glass, wood, metal - in fact all manner of surfaces can benefit from a little touch of gold leaf magic!   Gold leaf designs of the past influencing our sign designs of today   Gold leaf and gilding has been used for centuries by many civilizations and in all art forms. It can be found on Egyptian tombs and sarcophaguses, in baroque architecture and interior design, or on 20th century mirrored advertisements and the windows of classy store fronts, high-profile businesses, and banks. It adorns national statues and the facades of great public buildings in countries all over the world; it will forever be a sign of status, achievement, and quality wherever it’s found.   Gold leaf used in sign design or hand lettering gives a sense of style, grandeur, and richness. It will add that extra quality you need to stand out above the rest. We take incredible pride in our use and quality of gold leaf applications at Oldham Signs, so you can take pride in the sign designs we create for you.   Gold leaf sign design techniques   There are many techniques that can be used to create the right effect with gold leaf. The process of applying it is called ‘gold leafing’ or, to some, ‘gilding’. Gold leaf itself is very thinly hammered sheets. It’s usually applied to the surface for lettering or sign design with soft brushes and gentle layering skills, adhering it to the chosen surface to create the desired finished burnished effect.   There are many traditional methods that have been used for hundreds of years. One of the oldest and hardest is water gilding, a method which has gone virtually unchanged and is still done by hand to this day.   In today’s modern world, many sign designers and artists painting on canvas choose to use gold in its powder form to create the desired gilded look - it can also be a slightly cheaper alternative, but still high quality and gives grade ‘A’ visual effects.   High-quality gold leafing at Oldham Signs   When it comes to gold leafing – and applying it to hand lettering, logos, or your sign designs - at Oldham Signs we’re not going to hold back on quality. We will take our time, be precise, and use all the skills we have to produce something that really gives you bang for your buck and out-shines all your sign design expectations.
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Gold Leaf

Oldham Signs is giving your designs an opulent touch with gold leaf At Oldham Signs we use the ancient art of gold leaf gilding to bring your hand lettering and sign designs to life. We take enormous pride in our ability and skills, from creating large format gold gilded sign designs and lettering, to our usual talents in hand lettering with gold leaf and creating finer details and adornments to the typeface and spaces in-between.   Gold leaf sign designs provide a radiance to the finished product and durability that’s hard to achieve with any other finish. We aren’t going to lie or cheat you here. That’s why Oldham Signs never holds back on quality or substance; we want you to get the best experience we can offer with our gold leaf sign designs.   If it’s gold leaf and gilding sign design you require, we provide the highest quality hand-crafted gold leaf and gilding services we believe Texas may offer, using the hard-earned skills and practices learned from our years of experience. We can add this opulent material to glass, wood, metal - in fact all manner of surfaces can benefit from a little touch of gold leaf magic!   Gold leaf designs of the past influencing our sign designs of today   Gold leaf and gilding has been used for centuries by many civilizations and in all art forms. It can be found on Egyptian tombs and sarcophaguses, in baroque architecture and interior design, or on 20th century mirrored advertisements and the windows of classy store fronts, high-profile businesses, and banks. It adorns national statues and the facades of great public buildings in countries all over the world; it will forever be a sign of status, achievement, and quality wherever it’s found.   Gold leaf used in sign design or hand lettering gives a sense of style, grandeur, and richness. It will add that extra quality you need to stand out above the rest. We take incredible pride in our use and quality of gold leaf applications at Oldham Signs, so you can take pride in the sign designs we create for you.   Gold leaf sign design techniques   There are many techniques that can be used to create the right effect with gold leaf. The process of applying it is called ‘gold leafing’ or, to some, ‘gilding’. Gold leaf itself is very thinly hammered sheets. It’s usually applied to the surface for lettering or sign design with soft brushes and gentle layering skills, adhering it to the chosen surface to create the desired finished burnished effect.   There are many traditional methods that have been used for hundreds of years. One of the oldest and hardest is water gilding, a method which has gone virtually unchanged and is still done by hand to this day.   In today’s modern world, many sign designers and artists painting on canvas choose to use gold in its powder form to create the desired gilded look - it can also be a slightly cheaper alternative, but still high quality and gives grade ‘A’ visual effects.   High-quality gold leafing at Oldham Signs   When it comes to gold leafing – and applying it to hand lettering, logos, or your sign designs - at Oldham Signs we’re not going to hold back on quality. We will take our time, be precise, and use all the skills we have to produce something that really gives you bang for your buck and out-shines all your sign design expectations.

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