Oldham Design Studio 254-772-1438
© Oldham Signs 2021

3D Dimensional Signs

3D design in signs provides depth, adding to the sign’s performance and impact on its audience. Your sign is selling your business or product; it entices customers to your store and it should reflect the quality of what it represents. At Oldham Signs, our passion lies in our ability to produce high- quality dimensional sign designs and hand lettering. A dimensional sign or logo design can lift and illuminate your company’s or business’ presence. 3D sign designs are particularly eye-catching, whether indoors or out-doors. The shading you get from dimensional lettering - with the proper use of colour, typeface, technique, materials, and mediums - gives lettering, logos, and sign designs dimension, definition, and makes them have a lasting impression. Why use Oldham Signs for dimensional sign design? We don’t cut corners at Oldham Signs and we work hard to preserve traditional methods, quality, and handcraftsmanship in every dimensional sign or graphic design we create. We have spent the past 30 years creating dimensional signs using numerous skilled sign design methods. Sandblasting, woodcarving, hand lettering, gold gilding, and glass etching - among other techniques - are all part of Oldham Signs’ skill repertoire in custom-made dimensional sign design. Our knowledge and skills give us the means to produce the highest quality sign designs in Texas to fit your budget. There’s always a bottom line, but at Oldham Signs we work hard with our customers to produce signs of an exceptionally high standard and craftmanship, never ever skimping on the quality no matter the materials. Dimensional sign designs: how your company or product could benefit from Oldham Signs’ creations! The use of light and colour to give dimension and life to sign designs is at the core of any good graphic design creation. At Oldham Signs, not only do we have the skills to create dimensional effects with the simple tools of quality paints, mediums, and brushes - we also have the techniques, skills, and ability to create dimensional signs in many different mediums using various sign design methods. Could your business benefit from the rustic appeal of a hand-crafted dimensional wooden sign, or do you need the ‘wow factor’ of your product or company captured in glass? How about projected in urethane with a dynamic dimensional design and exceptional lettering? Then Oldham Signs may be just the right sign design shop to elevate your business, store front, or logo to new heights. Because that’s what dimensional designs do; they produce the ‘wow factor’, have a lasting impact on the audience, and create a great first impression. So, why not give us a call or come by and visit our shop to discuss your dimensional sign design needs!
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3D Dimensional Signs

3D design in signs provides depth, adding to the sign’s performance and impact on its audience. Your sign is selling your business or product; it entices customers to your store and it should reflect the quality of what it represents. At Oldham Signs, our passion lies in our ability to produce high-quality dimensional sign designs and hand lettering. A dimensional sign or logo design can lift and illuminate your company’s or business’ presence. 3D sign designs are particularly eye-catching, whether indoors or out-doors. The shading you get from dimensional lettering - with the proper use of colour, typeface, technique, materials, and mediums - gives lettering, logos, and sign designs dimension, definition, and makes them have a lasting impression. Why use Oldham Signs for dimensional sign design? We don’t cut corners at Oldham Signs and we work hard to preserve traditional methods, quality, and handcraftsmanship in every dimensional sign or graphic design we create. We have spent the past 30 years creating dimensional signs using numerous skilled sign design methods. Sandblasting, woodcarving, hand lettering, gold gilding, and glass etching - among other techniques - are all part of Oldham Signs’ skill repertoire in custom-made dimensional sign design. Our knowledge and skills give us the means to produce the highest quality sign designs in Texas to fit your budget. There’s always a bottom line, but at Oldham Signs we work hard with our customers to produce signs of an exceptionally high standard and craftmanship, never ever skimping on the quality no matter the materials. Dimensional sign designs: how your company or product could benefit from Oldham Signs’ creations! The use of light and colour to give dimension and life to sign designs is at the core of any good graphic design creation. At Oldham Signs, not only do we have the skills to create dimensional effects with the simple tools of quality paints, mediums, and brushes - we also have the techniques, skills, and ability to create dimensional signs in many different mediums using various sign design methods. Could your business benefit from the rustic appeal of a hand-crafted dimensional wooden sign, or do you need the ‘wow factor’ of your product or company captured in glass? How about projected in urethane with a dynamic dimensional design and exceptional lettering? Then Oldham Signs may be just the right sign design shop to elevate your business, store front, or logo to new heights. Because that’s what dimensional designs do; they produce the ‘wow factor’, have a lasting impact on the audience, and create a great first impression. So, why not give us a call or come by and visit our shop to discuss your dimensional sign design needs!

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